Punk Radio Shows With Irish* Presenters Webring

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PRSWI*P Webring is a webring for websites about Punk* radio shows* with Irish* presenters. That is:

Current Members

....And that's it!

Interested in joining?

First, check if you qualify! Then send me, DJ MAL, a quick email with a link to your website. Within a few days I should let you know if you have been accepted or rejected to the webring.

Not sure if you qualify?

Our criteria

Whether you're "Punk" or "Alternative" is determined based on vibe.

Irishness is a bit trickier but is ultimately also based on vibe. Our rule of thumb is that if:
  • you are a longterm resident of Ireland, regardless of citizenship,
  • Or: could play for the Irish soccer team under the "granny rule",
  • And consider yourself to be Irish or of Irish descent, even if this is not your only or primary national or cultural identity;
  • you can join the webring.
In the unlikely event that you are not Irish at all but do a radio programme about the punk scene in Ireland, you can still join. People from Boston are excluded from joining under all circumstances.

DisclaimerThe I*P*R* Webring reserves the right to turn down applicants if we don't like your website. Or you.